New standard development and update program for machinery and equipment has been adopted

On January 21, 2022, the decision of the EAEU Council No. 11 was published, which approved the Program for the development and updating of international standards in order to adapt the provisions of the technical regulations "On the safety of machinery and equipment" and to assess the conformity of products.



Basic information about the document

The new Program for the development, changes and revision of international standards in the field of voluntary compliance with the technical regulations TR TS 010/2011 and the standards of mandatory compliance with the requirements contained therein, including the process of conformity assessment of machines and devices, covers a total of 142 items.

The program, like the previous documents of this type, is presented in the form of a table consisting of several sections, including: MKS code, name of the GOST standard, elements of the TR EAEU technical regulations, development schedule and the coordinator responsible for the part.

Part coordinated by Kazakhstan

According to the adopted schedule, the program will be developed until 2026. By 2025, GOST standards are to be developed under the leadership of the Republic of Kazakhstan for:

  • prepress and press equipment
  • general principles for calculating and testing sensory mats
  • rules for the design and selection of locking devices used for fences
  • health and safety requirements for milk cooling equipment and pasta presses
  • stationary and other ladders

Responsibilities of the Russian Federation

Russia will be responsible for the preparation of points 75 - 142. Among them are the GOST standards on:

  • carpentry machines
  • machines for agricultural and forestry work
  • control systems for machines intended for earthworks
  • test methods for measuring the noise level in industrial trucks
  • laboratory tests of safety devices for small excavators
  • textile slings, etc.

When will the changes come into force?

Pursuant to the decision of the Commission, the new Program for the preparation of international standards for the technical regulations for machinery and equipment will enter into force this month - on February 20, 2022. The current Program, approved on April 9, 2013 by the decision of the ECE Council No. 73, is therefore considered invalid.