The hygienic certificates are no longer issued by Russian Certification Bodies. Please, refer to Government Registration.
Hygiene Certificate (Sanitary-Epidemiological Conclusion Certificate)
Hygiene Certificate confirms the conformity of production and product to Russian sanitary requirements; this applies to the manufacturing, storage, transportation and sales.
Some products may not be be subject to mandatory hygienic certification.
The term of validity of a Hygiene Certificate may be 1, 3 or 5 years. In the certain cases, (manufacturing of experimental sets of new kinds of production, implementation of essentially new technologies, using non-conventional raw material or components), the validity of Hygiene Certificate may be reduced at the experts' discretion.
List of documents needed for the Hygiene Certificate*:
- Production delivered under the contract:
- Copies of registration documents of the company-applicant
- Copy of the contract on delivery of the production;
- Invoice;
- Production description (catalogues, booklets, instructions)
- Certificates of quality, safety, hygienic, country-manufacturer origins;
- Other documents confirming safety of production (certificates of a quality management of manufacture of series ISO);
- Product samples.
- For serial import production:
- Information about the manufacturer: name, address, phone;
- The power of attorney on behalf of the manufacturer on the right of fulfilment of actions on certification of production in the Russian Federation;
- Production description (catalogues, booklets, instructions, etc.) with instructions of area of its application;
- Document confirming quality of production (the certificate of quality from manufacturer ISO 9000, declarations on conformity to the European norms, etc.);
- Product sample for tests.
The list of the products obligated to achieve the Hygienic Certificate:
- Foodstuff;
- The goods for children;
- Perfumery-cosmetic means;
- Means of hygiene of an oral cavity;
- Chemical production of industrial appointment;
- The household chemical goods;
- Polymeric and synthetic materials;
- Chemical threads and fibres;
- Textile sewing and knitted materials;
- Artificial synthetic skin and textile materials for footwear;
- Publishing production;
- Products from the natural raw materials which are exposed in the course of manufacture processing;
- Materials for the products contacting to a skin;
- Products which are a source of an ionising radiation;
- The goods containing radioactive substances;
- Building raw materials and materials;
- Tobacco materials;
- Individual defence means;
- Pesticides and agrochemicals.
* The list of the documents might vary. Please contact us for the exact information.