"On the safety explosive substances and products on their basis"
The list of standards needed to meet the regulations "On the safety explosive substances and products on their basis" (TR TC 028/2012):
GOST R 54320- 2011 Food processing machinery. Rotary rack ovens. Safety and hygiene requirements
This standard contains requirements for safety and hygiene in the design and manufacture of rotary rack ovens with one or more trolleys. GOST R 54320-2011 does not apply to test and experimental equipment nor to the household baking ovens. This standard does not apply to rotary ovens manufcatured prior to the date of standard publication.
Fire Safety Certificate marks for construction materials
According to the Russian Technical Regulations on Fire Safety construction materials are tested for the following characteristics: ignitability, flammability, smoke-forming ability, the toxicity of combustion products, flame spread over the surface for flooring materials. All these characteristics are included in the Fire Safety Certificate.
GOST R certification - similar to IEC
To conform with the following Russian standards the manufacturer should be in compliance with the corresponding IEC standards. All these GOST R standards are based on the IEC.
CQC gives services on the certification of the products in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (certificate of conformity GOST-R, Russian certificates, UkrSepro certificate etc.)