Conformity assessment for CU light industry technical regulations.

Conformity assessment for Customs Union light industry technical regulations. Customs Union technical regulations for the light industry products came into power in July 2012.  Two types of conformity assessment are posible for the procucts covered by this regulation: Declaration of Conformity and Certificate of Conformity.

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Copies of the Certificates

Copies of the  Certificates When you get the certificate, it's normal practice to ask for additional copies (you will need them for the customs clerance, for any governmental organisation  and for the customers). The rules for the certified copies for the Hygienic Certificate and Certificate of Conformity way too different:

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Conformity compliance in Customs Union

Documents used for conformity compliance are Declaration of Conformity and Certificate of Conformity. Exporter could apply for the national Conformity Certificate (GOST-R, GOST-K or Belarus Certificate) or for the Customs Union Conformity Certificate.

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Customs Union certification

Customs Union Certification Three countries are included in Customs Union:  Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Conformity compliance in customs union is regulated by technical regulations of customs union. As for now (July 2013) 21 Customs Union technical regulations are in power (Low voltage TR, safety of machines, cosmetic products, light industry products and others).

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