Transitional provisions for products for civil defense and emergency situations

A transitional period has been approved for the provisions set out in the Technical Regulations TP EAEU 050/2021 "On the safety of products intended for civil defense and protection against natural and man-made disasters".

Transition period until 2025

Pursuant to the transitional provisions, until January 1, 2025, it is allowed to manufacture and market products intended for civil defense and use in emergency situations, meeting the requirements set out in the technical regulations, without conformity assessment documents. The condition is that these documents were not required before the entry into force of the technical regulations.

In accordance with the adopted schedule, approved by the decision of the relevant authorities, the technical regulations themselves enter into force on June 1, 2023.

Structure of the regulations

The division of the technical regulations correspond to the structure adopted for this type of documents - they consist of the area of ​​application, basic concepts, rules for product identification and marketing, requirements for products and their labeling, and conformity assessment. The regulation also includes an appendix with a list of products that are subject to the technical regulation TR EAEU 050/2021.

What products are subject to the regulations?

The discussed technical regulations apply to the following products:

  • technical measures of protective structures for civil defense (protective devices, ventilation devices, etc.)
  • technical means of alarm, communication and control (technical means of alerting the public to dangers, etc.)
  • rescue equipment (victim search equipment, special protective clothing, etc.)
  • technical means to monitor emergency situations