Changes in the lists of products to the technical regulations TR CU 018 and TR CU 031

The Management Board of the Eurasian Economic Union has published a draft of changes in the lists of products to the technical regulations regarding the safety of wheeled vehicles, agricultural and forestry tractors, as well as trailers used with vehicles of this type. It will be presented to the public debate which will end on September 12 this year.

Amendments to two existing technical regulations

The discussed changes concern two technical regulations in force in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. It is about:

  • Technical Regulations TR CU 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles
  • Technical Regulations TR CU 031/2 012 “On the safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers"

Vehicles subject to the technical regulations TR CU 018/2011

 Vehicles that are subject to this technical regulations are all kinds of wheeled vehicles of categories L, M, N and O, intended for use on public roads, as well as chassis and vehicle components that affect the safety of these means of transport.

Vehicles subject to the technical regulations TR CU 031/2012

Technical Regulations TR CU 031/2012 applies to newly manufactured and imported wheeled and tracked agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers admitted to trading in the common customs territory of the Customs Union, regardless of the country of origin. It applies to tractors and trailers with a maximum design speed of at least 6 km / h.

It is worth mentioning that the requirements of the technical regulations TR CU 031/2012 also apply to newly manufactured and imported parts of tractors and trailers, which affect their safety and are allowed for circulation in the common customs territory of the Customs Union, separately from tractors and trailers, regardless of the country origin.

EAEU Commodity Nomenclature

The changes discussed in this article are introduced in order to adapt both of these documents to the new edition of the adopted Commodity Nomenclature of the Eurasian Economic Union for Foreign Economic Activity, which, in accordance with the planned schedule, will enter into force on January 1, 2022.