The Decision of Customs Union Commission from 14 October 2010 N 432 “About questions of application of sanitary measures in the Customs union” has taken effect from 22 November 2010.
Due to this Decision the following confirmed:
- changes in the United list of products, subject to sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision (control) on customs border and customs territory of the Customs union, which has been confirmed by the Decision of Commission of Customs union from 28 May 2010 N 299;
- changes in the United forms of the documents confirming safety of products (goods), regarding its conformity to sanitary-and-epidemiologic and hygienic requirements, which have been confirmed by the Decision of Customs Union Commission from 28 May 2010 N 299;
- changes in Regulations about a procedure of the sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision (control) realization of persons and the vehicles crossing customs border of the Customs Union and the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union and on the customs territory of the Customs union, which has been confirmed by the Decision of Commission of Customs union from 28 May 2010 N 299;
Presence on transport documents of a stamp "Import is permitted" (with the name of the authorized body, date, the signature, and a print of the personal number press of the authorized body who has carried out sanitary-quarantine supervision) should state as the confirmation of realization of sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision.