Customs Union Technical Regulations on safety of devices operating on gaseous fuels.
Countries covered – Customs Union: Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Effective date – 15th February 2013
Transition period – until 15th March 2015 (old Ex certificates will be valid until this date)
This Technical Regulation of the Customs Union applies to following gas equipment:
- Equipment for cooking, heating and hot water supply
- Automatic burners and gas operating equipment with automatic burners
- Safety and control devices for the equipment mentioned above
Gas equipment not covered in this Technical Regulations:
- Steam boilers with steam pressure over 0.07 MPa and hot water boilers with a temperature of over 115 ° C;
- Equipment designed for use in industrial processes in industry, with the exception of gas-powered equipment, included in the list;
- Equipment that uses gas as a motor fuel.
Conformity assurance.
Conformity assurance is made by the means of certification by an accredited certification body included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union or declaration.
Valid period of the TR certificate of conformity is up to 5 years. Valid period of the declaration of conformity is up to 3 years. By the manufacturer request, the certificate of conformity could be issued instead of declaration.
List of products subject to conformity assessment in a frame of Technical Regulations on safety of devices operating on gaseous fuels (in Russian) -in pdf.